Due to the extraordinary conditions, economic and otherwise, I am planning a SkiSuperTramp.

Travelling in my car, I plan to drive to Italy through Austria, take in the Dolomites then return through Switzerland and France. I hope to keep my costs to a minimum by using hostels, the car and anyone who is kind enough to offer a night's floorspace in return for my company on and off the slopes. This is a work-in-progress and I will document it on the web, mostly on Snowheads. I intend taking the crossing from Dover to Dunkirk and then head for Kitzbuhel. From there I will probably head for the Hofgastein. I have pimped my Vectra so that I can sleep in it as a last resort. I hope that I can find my way to a comfortable nights sleep.

Any advice, criticism or offers of companionship very welcome.

Thread before, during and after


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