Very sad to hear of the death of Maurice Stonefrost this morning. He was the father of a close friend and was probably my most influential acquaintance. He rose through the ranks of local authority finance from Bristol and West Sussex to command the GLC before it was annihilated by Thatcher. He was a trusted advisor to the Labour party and pension funds. He did great deals for these institutions when they were facing hard times. The archives will remember him for these achievements but I will remember him as someone who managed to rise to the top of the only game worth playing. He built a network of influence and fun that helped and benefited many that never knew his name.
Extending the life of my Cocoon
As anyone who has worked with me will know, I value my sanity. So, I like to keep things simple. When it comes to building web-apps I nearly always start with the Apache Java framework Cocoon 2.12 . I use the 2.12 model as I have a build of it that allows me to merge in my development blocks without rebuilding the beast over and over. I can do the heavy lifting of an application with XSLT 2.0, so life is pretty sweet. By using Cocoon as the framework to 'glue' everything together I am able to re-use working pipelines that have served me for the last 10 years. However, with the advent of JSON as the data transfer format of choice and the simplicity of things like Cube for handling time-series data I knew it was time to find a more productive way of writing generators. After some experimentation it dawned on me that Node.js supports the piping of JSON streams. This has allowed me to still write my pipelines in Cocoon but to proxy off to a Node.js service which is r...