Just received from my eldest daughter Jen in reply to a courtesy email thanking her and friend Phil for posting on the guestbook on the main site.

Dear Warrell and the people in his head,

Word to the wise - 'Yowza' is not, will not, and never has been a) a word
and b) cool. So don't say it, for fear of being arrested for indecent word
use. And you may have mentioned the war, but I don't think you got away with it,
and I wasn't even there! The chances of you getting asked back are slimmer
than the fatboy, honey. I also think the chances of a possible screen play, were they to turn
sideways, would dissapear. And I don't think novel is the word. There is a word, but it can't be said before the nine o'clock watershed. Having said that, keep posting your stuff on the site though. It keeps me avery amused, and you could start yourself a nice fanbase. And maybe with
practice, your intense over use of adjectives and words with more than eight letters could be curbed. It does make you sound intelligent, which I imagine was the objective, but it makes it very very difficult to read. You have to wade through these words to get to the real meaning of what you're saying. People other than your daughter won't bother, and sometimes less is more.
Keep writing, but at the moment it's a bit reminisant of Jon from Big Brother, although I doubt he is so interested in the Czec republic. Have fun in the Greek skatepark though, I am sure you will be bustin' moves all over the, umm, shop. Yes. I will have to introduce you to Phil, he has heard a lot about you/from you in your cough riveting cough blogs, and he'd like to meet the infamous Warrell Harries.
Happy working
Love you like a fat kid loves cake


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