
Showing posts from May, 2003
I had my first go on a skatepark this morning at 6.00am. The dew on the metal ramps made it pretty dangerous but after half an hour I was converted. I took some air off the half-pipe and crashed and burned on the tarmac. Cuts, abrasions and bruises. Hey, why should kids have all the fun!
Got this read out by Jazzy M on the O-Zone show this afternoon!!!!!! He asked for peoples opinions about the Matrix Reloaded film. Fame at last (not) but better than nothing. To: cc: Subject: Matrix ReLoaded Dear M, Pastiche and half truths from all the world religions. I reluctantly went along expecting twaddle and getting drivel. Was it a spoof of Star Wars, Independence Day, Lord of the Rings and some kinda trance movie? Made by the deeply cynical for the feeble-minded. Oh dear, what wonderful marketing these people have to create the mass hysteria that herds gluttons into a place that smells of old farts to waste three hours. How has it come to this?
Scroll down this page to see some of the reunion photos that have been bumped from the main ReUnion site. I'm off to the Club Med ATHENIA complex on 6th June. Has anyone been there or is going? I'm keen to know someone in advance although I'm hoping my ebullient, affable nature will shine out and it won't take long to make friends. Naturally there may be a language barrier but nothing my Del'boy French conversation can't surmount. I've just given blood after a break of a few years. It always makes me feel self righteous...
We have just held the most wonderful school reunion. Please see for the details. There are many more testimonials to post but in short there were nearly 200 people who enjoyed themselves enormously. It went so well because a group of us got together and meticulously planned the whole thing. As a web developer and software engineer I made sure that I built the tools to do the job properly. We would like to use this experience to benefit others. The idea is that we act as a broker, party planner, techie web 'anorak' and all round facilitators for any big fat school reunion. Anyone interested, no matter where they live now, can get in touch through Friends Reunited and we can begin the process. We can help tem decide on a date and venue for the reunion. We can build a website where people can reserve their place, pay for tickets, read the names of the people coming, print off a poster and press-release. We will help promote the party in whatev...